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I like both very much, but I think I would actually take the blackberries. Raspberrys have too fast the risk of getting soft.
On the other hand, one can put raspberries on his fingertips and then so jammed…
If we start from taste and both are good blackberries/himberries, I find them both equally good.
What if you had to decide between the two. Only a brombeer or only a celerator but for that the other then never again
I love frozen raspberries that can be seasoned in summer with some milk and honey and then you have a delicious sorbet. produkt️
I like blackberries better. They are not so sweet, but have a pleasant acidity. And are generally somewhat more powerful in the aroma.
Was just always my favorite fruit, even before strawberries I really love! As a child, I even drove to wild raspberry raspberries in the forest by bicycle! However, today you get more difficult to buy aromatic raspberries, unfortunately! And if, then they are very expensive! sold both three seasons!
Because they taste better because they are available in a white and red version and because the raspberry bushes are not as stubborn as the blackberries. I also find blackberries very tasty, but the fingers discolor when collecting
I love the taste, the fine aroma of raspberries more. Mostly warmed by the sun, fresh from the shrub.
Blackberries are often acidic.
I prefer raspberries.😌😊
LG Maike
Because they’re sweeter. I like both.
I just find a tasty
I can’t decide, because I like to eat both.
However, I like to eat blackberries.
I like them super. Even better strawberries or oranges, but they are not available. I just don’t like blackberries. The taste is not mine
I prefer blackberries because they taste better.
…the inside do not have this firm stunk and also taste better from the aroma.
Dee isn’t hard at chewing
Well…sometimes. The raspberry is empty in any case, except, an animal roommate has made it comfortable there….