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The most common cause of unpure skin, pimples, acne etc. is unhealthy diet, due to too much sugar in food and beverages. Also white flour products in the form of light bread, noodles etc. are converted into sugar during digestion. Too much of it is cell-damaging and pimples form (degeneration of cells). For a month, don’t waste sugary foods and drinks, and you’ll experience a little wonder, like many other people. With consistent compliance, almost all of the main problems are healed or at least the skin image looks significantly healthier. It is only necessary to be able to carry out this and then to continue.
Go to the skin doctor he can give you suitable medicines, bevot ugly scars arise
I just meant to take it to yourself, not to smear the face. If you have a zink deficiency
Taking such a thing on your own without medical clarification is problematic. I think it would have to be clarified by a bloodstream