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4 years ago

Make an application and find out.

Otherwise it won’t go.

If you need the scooter for the way from and to school, training and/or work, I see opportunities.

4 years ago

They would probably just point you on a bicycle or public transport.

If the work is too far away and cannot be reached by public transport, you may pay a class B driver’s license and a reasonable car (up to 1,500€ or sometimes a maximum of 2,000€). This requires a specific job allocation, as well as needlessness and alternative unemployment (pronounces that unemployment would otherwise persist for a longer time due to lack of work).

4 years ago

Under certain circumstances this is possible if you have found a job that cannot be reached with the Öffis.

But just get that AM paid because you got Bock to drive isn’t in there.

4 years ago

If at all you get the driver’s license paid from B, more like C or D, but with AM you can start nix

4 years ago

No, that wouldn’t make sense. On the other hand, if needed for work they would help

4 years ago

Of course not. Right.

Does the office also pay your phone bill?

4 years ago
Reply to  280drei

For hard 4 yes

4 years ago
Reply to  TeamStoffcouch

not in principle

4 years ago
Reply to  TeamStoffcouch

Source? 🤔

If I were new… that’s what he can pay from his ranch needs, but that’s what I’ve never heard.

4 years ago

Okay, that’s right. I wouldn’t call it accepted. Since the rule set is made available to him more or less “free”. Surrender is for me that he submits the bill and gets the costs reimbursed. But is probably more of a point of view 😊 it is also taken into account a part to save. That only makes almost no one, because then he could save himself the driver’s license.

4 years ago

In the Hartz-IV rule set, telecommunications is now in. (Post and telecommunications: €39.88 in 2021)

4 years ago

No Why also you don’t need a roller and who you need it Dan you can save the money even in training or as a dumper you’re making a 450€ job after 2 years you have Dan the money and what you need for a scooter who you get it for zb 1500€!

Even a driver’s license is only paid to whom a new chef demands and in writing guarantees that you will be hired there with a certificate!

But that’s what you can’t get by bus or train!

4 years ago

No, why would the office pay you your roller guide ticket?

4 years ago

No, why should they? Also 45 km/h

4 years ago

GOODS Should any office pay your roller guide ticket???