Hilft mehr Psychopharmaka auch mehr, wie sind eure Erfahrungen diesbezüglich?

Ich hatte früher lange Zeit sehr schlimme Gedanken und wollte immer mir was an… Heute nehme ich Psychopharmaka, allerdings nur eine Tablette. Ich wollte nie Psychopharmaka nehmen früher, habe mich aber dann doch „überzeugen“ lassen. Die Dosierung ist nicht (mehr) sonderlich hoch. Für mich käme auch keine hohe Dosis in Frage. Ich hatte aber auch schon eine höhere Medikamentendosierung. Zurzeit gibt es wieder öfter negative Phasen in denen ich einfach nur heulen könnte und das nicht immer mit klarem Grund. Daher die Frage, ob eine Erhöhung sinnvoll wäre bei Aripiprazol 10 mg aktuell. Klar, der Arzt entscheidet.

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11 months ago

Aripiprazole is a drug from the group of atypical antipsychotics. It is approved for the treatment of schizophrenic psychosis and manic episodes (bipolar disorder). The use as a supplemental medication in depression is common, but takes place in the off-label-use (application without official approval of the drug authority).

In principle, a higher dose leads to a higher level. Up to a certain point, this also increases the effect. However, as already mentioned, only to a certain point. If this point is exceeded, a higher dose has no additional use, but only leads to increased side effects. Because a higher mirror necessarily also leads to stronger undesirable effects. Where this tipping point lies exactly is very different from person to person and cannot be detected in advance. It depends on the personal constitution of the consumer and the seriousness of the symptoms of illness.

11 months ago

I don’t think it’s anything to screw around. Depending on what the doctor otherwise says (please look for a very good one)

11 months ago

So first I try to take as little medication as possible. I believe that drugs only cover and not solve the problems. However, an alternative plan, for example a therapy, is also required. Nothing is not a solution.

Besides, I try to understand exactly how drugs work. Why do I take her? What did the doctor think of me? Often there is an emergency medication. This can be another drug or a higher dose.

Sure, the doctor decides.

In my world I usually decide, not the doctor.

To make me a picture of your situation, I got too little information from you (in the question). That’s not a clear answer.

11 months ago

After your description, I assume that it is a depression treatment.

In this case, Aripiprazol only helps in combination with an antidepressant. Alone aripiprazole does not have an antidepressant effect, but it can strengthen the effect of a simultaneously given antidepressant (as stated: without it being antidepressant on its own!).

If even an antidepressant plus aripiprazole does not act sufficiently, one can think about a dose increase either of the antidepressant or of aripiprazole.

Theoretically, aripiprazole is allowed in a dose of up to 30 mg/d, but it is assumed that as a rule from 10-15 mg/d all available receptors are already occupied and no further improvement in effect occurs, which also shows studies in the system (i.e. individual cases that benefit from a higher dose than 15 mg/d).


  • If you are already using a regular antidepressant as a basic medication, a dose increase to 15 mg/d might bring an increased effect, but rather no longer. Talk to your doctor or doctor about a dose increase.
  • If you do not yet take a regular antidepressant, the answer is simple: Aripiprazol simply does not seem antidepressant. The antidepressive action must exist, only then can Aripiprazole strengthen it. In this case, talk to your doctor about setting an antidepressant.

I wish you all the best.

PS: A simple metaphor: Glutnest + Pusten = stronger gluten. Pusten without gluten is, however, completely ineffective. Here, the gluten nest stands for the antidepressant and the powder (=the oxygen supply) for aripiprazole.