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9 months ago

According to Googel, kinesiology is a cure against pain. So there’s nothing going to do with allergy. But you can appeal to your doctor for hypersensitising.

It can also be possible that you can keep a cat despite your allergy, as you do not react to any cat. I am self-allergenic and have good experience with the Sphynx. I have two Don-Sphynx cats, one even with fur, and have no allergy symptoms.

However, the search for the matching cat can take time and it is also not guaranteed that you can possibly take two cats of the same throw, as said, each cat is individual in terms of

I still wish you good luck and that you will find the right cat 😁

9 months ago

Kinesology is a diagnostic method, and no treatment. Bioresonance is a treatment that usually helps with animal hair allergies .

9 months ago

No. Higher due to the placebo effect (that you do not “believe” because of the treatment to you).

Kinesiology is not established by recognised scientific and medical knowledge; there is no evidence of efficacy.
