Hilft CDL?

Ich weiß CDL ( Chlordioxid) ist Giftig und ein Definitionsmittel. Nen Freund von mir hat ein Buch über CDL wie da sangeblich vieles Heilen kann. Klingt komisch, funktioniert aber bei ihm und seiner Familie immer. Ich bin aber unsicher. Die nehmen 6-8 Tropfen CDL auf 1 Liter Wasser und trinken dann jede 30 min einen Schluck ( ungefähr, die genaue Dosierung weiß er gerade nicht mehr). Weiß jemand ob das bei dieser Dosierung wirklich als Heilmittel helfen kann? Auf Reddit gibt es eine Community für solche Fragen.

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4 months ago

I can only recommend!

These alleged scientific studies on any means are a propaganda that forbids people to be healthy or become healthy.

In D, people are left stupid and broken by a lot of medically scientifically recognized methods.

An example. the annual x Ops for stiffening the spinal column in osteoarthritis or also spinal canal stenosis are recommended, enriches the cash registers, but often does not help with pain and also does not lead to better quality of life, rather on the contrary.

Especially often in the initial stage alternative methods help significantly better, get the mobility, improve them often and get them.

My motto, the dose makes the poison, I take 4 packs of any medication at once, I can go hops from it, that same applies to alternative medical products, although this may not be advertised as medicine, only with the difference that the school medicine already initiates in small quantities of permanent customers, condition the desired side effects!

4 months ago
Reply to  Elocin2910

If you say that, you can also say how this miracle cure works. There must be some mechanism of action to help against so many different diseases. I’m excited.

4 months ago
Reply to  spelman

-to look for books

-That’s why I specified “own experience”

– there are not only some reports of experience, especially from a non-financial journalist

-haven’t written wonders

-when you take your wisdom, certainly not from your own experience and lack it, you are not able to make an assessment

– do not discuss agents that have no side effects, better than drugs, with pharma-indoctrinated disciples!

4 months ago
Reply to  Hendrik7779

No, I don’t know, but there are also books that are certainly described.

4 months ago

Don’t “image” on the Internet and on health topics!

“Alternative medicine” is not available. Either a procedure can have an effect, then it’s medicine. Or not, then it’s bullshit.

This is where you get the usual suspects for this madness. Do not let yourself be tempted, say with several doctors who earn almost nothing in the advice and have nothing of it when you kill yourself with such mischief.

Edit: there is an older MaiLab sequence:


As much as they can be rejected for their rather tendencial political contributions: this is what she understands as a chemist and I can also confirm this with experience from medical research.

The “diluted variant” is also poison. Get out!

4 months ago

You can only warn before that.

If you drink indisinfectants, acid or alkalis, you can hardly help.

As a rule, it destroys its body.

About the state of his mind before the intentional use of plaster and DEsinfectants, I prefer not to stand out here.

Tip: Let’s look at the packs of these means. There are usually many warning symbols and warnings.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hendrik7779

Please read your own comment and consider the following:

The gastric acid is presently nothing other than a slightly diluted hydrochloric acid.

So if your bleaching agent is diluted to such an extent that it does not damage your esophagus, then it is quite harmless for the stomach, but also completely ineffective there.

If the acid is concentrated in your bleaching agent, then your spice tube is damaged — this is certainly not desirable.

4 months ago

This is obviously the same thing that has been praised as MMS years ago. The latter is called “Miracle Mineral Supplement” or “Miracle Mineral Solution”, and releases chlorine dioxide when used.

There is no evidence of any kind of positive effect.

Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS): Significant Health Risk | Clear Text Food Supplement