Hilfe wie stell ich die Abo Falle ab?

Wollten einen Film steamen und bin über den Link:

stream-scape. net/de_de/streaming-club?subid=4671e38f-86ec-4434-8ddc-c5618c9b4fdf&networkid=200749&publisher=5602&isNewTr=1&stream=&subsource=BruceWayne

In eine Abo falle gelaufen, hatte mir nichts dabei gedacht und habe meine Visa und Namen angeben damit ich den Film streamen konnte.

Als ich 1€ gezahlt hatte und nichts daffür bekommen hab hab ich direkt den Händler bei revolut blockiert, das keine weiteren transaction stattfinden konnten.

Heute wollte der Händler mir 49,99 abbuchen was aber nicht ging, da ich die Zahlung blockiert hab.

Leider finde ich auf dem Link keinen Button zum abmelden meines Abbos

Kann mir bitte jemand helfen wie ich mein Abbo da abmelden kann?

Vielen dank im Voraus für eure Hilfe!

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6 months ago

By e-mail in writing, I fell in 3 times, I also picked up an online lawyer 3 times more for 10€ each if the lawyers don’t think about it, lawyers have more options to do what.

If you’ve already blocked your bank connection, then you should write a notice by e-mail to Mals if this doesn’t help an online lawyer for falling off, which will take care of it. If there are difficulties.

Since then, I’ve been very careful not to fall in. There are so many boobs you don’t believe that, even with products you can buy online there are boobs, you have to look really right.

6 months ago

Good evening

Yes, you’re in a Abo trap, because you can only help a lawyer. As you can see, they want more and more money from you and you have finally completed Abo and certainly not read small print.


6 months ago

Unfortunately, as you don’t get to the page without registration, it’s hard to help.

But as long as you block the payments, you have no damage. A criminal sack will scarcely throw the persecutors on your neck when he’s getting illegal streams. And Batman for a euro is nowhere.

A bit funny is the whole scam shop already: