Hilfe was hilft euch gegen Stress/Wut? Statt Rauchen/Alkohol etc?
Was hilft euch effektiv gegen Stress anstelle von schlechten Dingen zu machen wie Rauchen, alkohol etc.. die den Stress eigetlich noch verstärken.. was kann man anstelle dessen tun in der jetzigen Situation als immer zur Zigarette zu greifen wenn man gesresst ist oder genrell um den stress zu minimieren und runter zu kommen? was hat euch geolfen in sehr stressigen Lebenssituationen? Wie bringt man innerliche Unruhe, Stress und Ärger weg? Was hilft gegen Aggression und Wut? Bitte schreibt eure Tipps.
The strongest thing I’ve found so far is the video on YouTube and it means
“the way to not think.”
It’s not that easy at the beginning, some can do it immediately, others have to practice something. But in the 5 minute video the technique is very well explained.
Best regards
Breathe deeply to find the focus again.
Read and listen to music. or walk/ride.
I tend to curse. From my heart, I don’t make a murder pit. It’s not just plumping words. I liked it. If I’m alone, I’ll throw something on the wall. Mostly presents I never liked. I feel better after that. In return, I praise as tempramental if I like something and do well.
Of course, this is not always appropriate. In these cases, I leave the situation. For example, I am looking for the washing room in the profession (you can also swear well there, even with hall effects). Private, I’m turning a round in the green. The ground color of nature (grass, trees or other plants) always drives me down as if in our DNA there was a button for it.
My husband sits on his bike. He shamples his negative emotions away. Our neighbor takes his bike. Both usually come back after 1 hour as new or replaced.
Cleaning, walking, creativity and conversation.
Hey, since I’ve never smoked or drank before, I can tell you how to deal with stress. I am a very pulsative person and it helps me if I walk or go out to a nice quiet place. I always have to get away from stress for example when you have at home stress not to stay in the room but just stand up and walk. Sounds really boring, but try it out!
Prayer or sport
Go to the forest or to a mountain and scream out. Long walks or walk. Power out. Focus consciously on beautiful things, on successes or good situations I already had.
Jogging, swimming, cycling, long walk, sports in general. Evening sports makes me so tired that I can sleep right away and have no more time for atrocities.
Movement, activity and sometimes a good movie.
Our heavenly Father helped me through his spirit, which is so strong that he could create a universe. With him, I can defeat a addiction.
Against stress helps forest baths, anger is an unhealthy regime, against which helps a more healing world view.
A cool beer is best for me!