Hilfe vom Jobcenter / Kind zieht aus?
Hallo an Alle,
ich ziehe in paar Tagen bei meiner Mutter aufgrund eines Studiums aus.
Ihre Wohnung ist nun zu groß und die Unterhaltskosten ca. 500 Euro + Kindergeld 250 Euro fallen ihr weg.
Nun ist so, dass ich in dieser Zeit keine Wohnung für sie gefunden habe und ihre jetzige zu teuer ist. (Wohnen seit 9 Jahren dort und innerhalb der Zeit sind die kosten stark gestiegen)
Jetzt mache ich mir um sie Sorgen und da sie psychisch nicht ganz stabil ist habe ich angst um sie.
Weiß jmd wo man sich melden könnte und wo sie hilfe erhalten kann? Werden dann die fehlenden Kosten “für einen gewissen Zeitraum” ausgeglichen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
She doesn’t have any more costs for you after your withdrawal.
If they are no longer reasonable after your withdrawal, the Jobcenter must first recognize them and pay them if necessary.
As a rule, the transition period is up to 6 months or even longer, should then be decided individually.
Inappropriate housing costs would have to be recognised for 12 months and fully taken over if necessary.
After that, there would be a written request from the job centre to reduce costs, in which the inappropriate housing costs are still recognised and what would then be recognised at a reasonable cost.
Either you are looking for an appropriate apartment after the written request for a cost reduction or you can otherwise reduce the costs, such as subletting, otherwise you would have to pay the difference from the standard requirement for living or own income.
Another hint of child money!
If not yet, your mother should be given a change notification to the family fund, either online or in writing by one that you can print out from the internet.
In it, she should specify the bank connection from you, then she has no problems with the transfer of the child’s money to you or you could also submit a branch request after your withdrawal from the family fund, you can also find expression on the internet.
Then you would get the child benefit paid directly from the family fund after examination and approval if you were not mined by the parents. Included in child allowances.
If your mother would transfer it to you, she would have to do it in any case in the same month where she gets it from the family fund to her account.
If it were to transfer this only in the following month, it would be their income and their benefits would be reduced accordingly.
Thank you for the detailed answer 🙂
Perhaps the Cartitas
Yeah, for a time. At some point, it will be asked to look for a cheap apartment – within a period. Until then, the costs will continue to be taken over.
That would be fine, anyway, she can still pay the rent in time and afford food and the most important.