Help! Gerbil won't come out?

Hello, I was just about to clean up my gerbils' enclosure. I always put them in a box for that. One mouse came out and the other didn't. Even after I shook the enclosure gently and removed all the houses and other items from the enclosure, it didn't come out. I've been looking for the other mouse for an hour now, and it hasn't come out.

I've already put my other one in there so she can dig in the hopes of finding the other one. I'm also trying to be careful, but I'm afraid to look too closely because I might accidentally hurt the other one! What should I do?

Regards and thanks

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2 years ago

You should search the enclosure completely because otherwise the race mouse is either flushed out of the enclosure or it is dead and vested there.

So take the mouse out and then systematically search the enclosure.