Hilfe nach Zahnimplantat-OP?
Ich habe heute meine Implantat-OP an beiden Schneidezähnen bekommen, weil diese genetisch nicht veranlagt sind.
Nach der OP schauen ja zwei Metallstückchen raus…Alles super, keine Schmerzen..nun sind es jedoch 2Std her, und plötzlich ist da was rotes-schwabbeliges Ding drumherum…bestimmt Gewebe.
Muss ich mir aber Sorgen machen? Wann geht das zurück?
Viele Grüße
That’s what my dentist recommended. This is such a liquid (apotheke). you take it in your mouth and see that you bring the liquid to the “insulted” places and keep it in your mouth for a while without swallowing it behind. So you can’t swallow it, you have to spit it out! And then my dentist had prescribed antibiotics to me. My mouth interior looked like after a great battle. So again, don’t get up, it’ll be all right.
I had two implantations with my dentist a few years ago. It looked wild in the mouth.
But it all re-educated – that was all around red and then came so white doughs. there
He told me this is Fibrin. Don’t go crazy, that’s all normal.
With me, it’s more like a blood plug. And it’s really big
Call the doc in. It’s all normal.
There is also a gel in the tube. Keeps better and can be applied to limited space.
I know +. Keeps on small places. 😊
Ask the dentist!