Hilfe mein vater ist tiktok süchtig?
Es sieht wie folgt aus meine mum und ich sind sehr verzweifelt weil mein dad 4-9 Stunden am Tag tiktok, youtube, … guckt und das Familienleben nicht sehr wahr nimmt meine mum weiß noch nicht mal ob mein vater sie noch mag oder nur ausnutzen tut
Beim Essen guckt er die ganze Zeit Tiktok und redet nicht mit uns
Was sollen wir tun es muss sich ändern aber mit ihm reden bringt nur was für ein paar Tage und er isst auch nicht mehr mit uns zusammen abendessen
Wir brauchen Hilfe, tipps alles
Well, Mäus, you’ve been very sorry for her. Especially your mother should be active as guardians. It must be made clear to him that the Famile is more important to you than Tiktok or than him. Therefore it is surprising to me that you still sit with him on a table, you react too harmless. If he insulates you, you have to isolate and ignore him, otherwise he will never take you seriously. Because he’s grown up, you can’t just take his phone away. I think it’s good of you to worry so much about your little brother. Good for you.
It’s another soul tied to TikTok. You can’t help him, you can’t.
You can at most assist in self-help if it is not against it
Yeah. I would trustfully turn to your city’s youth office, keyword Child welfare! I am sure that there is a radical change in this problem quite quickly!
oh the older generation has met it now…
how much life he spends with these apps and asks if you can do something more often where you can’t be on your phone so well
That’s sick.
Mobile phone hiding, making him clear how sick this is and how sad this also makes you might also help if you start to give him no more attention than just, maybe he notices it, thanks to himself.
Okay, that’s very sick, get the W-Lan out and tell him how sick it is
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.