Hilfe – mein Jade-Bonsai stirbt – was kann ich tun?
Hallo zusammen
Ich bin echt verzweifelt – wegen dem Lockdown konnte ich nicht in meine Wohnung und da hat eine Nachbarin auf meinen Bonsai “aufgepasst”. Nach 2 Wochen schrieb Sie mir, dass er Blätter verliert und sie nicht weiss, was sie tun soll. Letzte Woche habe ich ihn nun holen können – und oh Schreck, ich habe ihn fast nicht mehr wiedererkannt… innert 4 Wochen hat er sich so verändert – ich bin am verzweifeln…
Den Bonsai habe ich seit 25 Jahren und er war mit stehts ein treuer Begleiter – das darf so nicht enden.. WER kann mir helfen, BITTE!!
Besten Dank
But hello,
I don’t think he’s going to die
in winter no leaves lose.
Do not care for him as always in winter even if he
Winter rest.
In the spring when he starts to drive again you can
which parts remain thirsty and cut ihne accordingly,
But I would give him a more beautiful form.
Otherwise, it would be good if he had a larger bowl.
op. venerable
After he still has green shoots, I wouldn’t write him down yet!
I would use the care as you have been successful so far. Then he’ll probably come back gradually if it’s not too late.
In my experience, it is either too cold or too warm temperature, too large or too low humidity. Some are too dark when they’re on the wrong window. I rarely had really long luck with my bonsais because they were mostly too dry, I think. I’ve had the greatest success with showering the plants every few days in the bathtub.
You could ask your neighbor how she cared for the Bonsai and compare it with your care, then you have the differences and you know what you need to pay attention.
It looks like a lack of water.
That means she poured it too much or too little. If it was too little, you can still be lucky and save him. But if they have poured too much, it’s probably over. What you can do now is:
Get him out of the substrate and cut away all rotten roots, they gar toward themselves and produce ethanol. This has a negative effect on the plant in general.
Hello, all right. Don’t you think it’s too much stress for the tree when I take it out of the substrate and shorten the root?
Well, what is the tree with dead roots that decompose with time and eliminate pollutants?
It is healthier for him when you free him from it, at the same time you will see how many living roots he still has.