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Can be right, can be wrong.
With different edge heights, one could overflow while the other still fills.
If there was something in a basin, the water level would be higher.
It is quite common if a basin has a cover or a basin bottom is constructed obliquely.
Come on to the water level in the basins before the rain! – If he was unequal, he is unequal after the rain.
And whether the basins have an equally large base area.
That’s what’s up and down with the pool size?
But they are usually filled as much as the area is the same on which it rains. A basin with a nem 1m bottle head on top will be emptyer than a basin, which has a diameter of 50m above, because more rain falls in.
Yeah, but only if both basins are the same size!
VLG dragon nose ✨💖
If the base area is in proportion, then it is.
The true