Hilfe.. ich weis nicht was ich tun soll?

Hey… ich merke das meine Mutter mich wieder kontrolliert… ich habe deswegen auch auf Android gewechselt bin aber wieder zu Apple gewechselt weil ich ein neues Handy brauchte.. Allerdings merke ich wie meine Mutter manchmal den Standort überprüft und immer auf mein Handy schaut… Ich fühle mich einfach nicht mehr sicher und ich möchte auch meine Privatsphäre haben.
Wenn meine Mutter irgendwas hochnimmt oder so hab ich Angst das sie mich schlagen möchte… versteht das nicht falsch ich liebe meine Mutter und ich weis das sie mich nie schlagen würde aber die Angst davor habe ich trotzdem…

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1 year ago

Hey, how’s she doing? You don’t have to be afraid, but you’re still young and I understand you don’t feel safe. Try to talk to her about it. I don’t think it’s okay if parents cross certain limits that stress you. Maybe you can agree on something, for example, that she can only check your location in case of emergency, or if you tell her you’re going out. And it’s a difference whether your mother is worried and that’s why your location tracks, or because she wants to control you.

On your Apple phone, you can go to the ‘Where is?’ app and see if it is listed there if you can simply remove it. Or it is in your Apple id, then change your password and you can manage all devices that are logged in with the Apple id on the website and remove it

But first talk to her about it and try to find out why she is

1 year ago
Reply to  Thailer

Also have an narcissistic mother and it’s not easy. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. But it’s good that your father is there for you! If there’s something to report to him and take care of yourself. If you get unnecessary trouble, that’s not your fault, and you can’t feel bad about it. Go to school and keep drawing, you’re sure to do this great and the most important thing is that it makes you fun. beware of yourself so that when you get older you are no longer dependent 🙂

1 year ago

She can control you because you are still minor mothers just want good for their children nothing bad. But there are mothers where their children beat in the case this is very rare only if the children are evil must teach a lesson is quite normal you controlled.

1 year ago
  1. Your mobile can yes A: Encrypt and B: Set login code
  2. What are you afraid of? Why should she act non-verbal?
  3. How old are you? From 18 can do what you want.
1 year ago
Reply to  Thailer
  1. that you can set everything, simply location: off or something in the art. just comes to the operating system, but I have e.g. ios and this is to be found under settings. Your mom can display the location without any help/installed Spy APP/ a common APP, yet NOT find out where you are.
  2. have no fear…lol* besides you do what it might annoy, your mom used to certainly have made things she doesn’t want to talk about…if you’re young you make many stupid things ^^^
  3. np
1 year ago
  1. I am sure
  2. beautiful that I could help 🙂
  3. np