Hilfe ich kann schlecht atmen und hab beim einatmen so ein kitzelndes gefühl worauf ich Husten muss was ich das!?

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10 months ago

Coughs, as well as a tightness, bad breathing can be a hint of asthma. Various allergens can trigger asthma. Death fear can also occur in asthma attacks. Black powder, e.g., often consists of charcoal, sulfur and potassium nitrate and can thus trigger allergies.

However, too much black powder in the lungs can also lead to a simple irritation. Powder is dry and the mucous membranes are dried in the lungs. Did you ever ask the other people from the Schützenhaus if they coughed more after the visit?

Depending on age, and whether you are smokers, a COPD can also be considered.

10 months ago
Reply to  shepherd77

Try to keep calm, fear can strengthen the symptoms. A lip brake can sometimes help with tightness. Press the lips on top of each other and pour air out of the lung and lips with much pressure. As a result, the bronchis are expanded and it can lead to better breathing. If nothing is to help, call the medical standoff service 116117. or, in the case of very acute breathing, emergency service 110 or 112

10 months ago

Hi, the tickling feeling I often have. Just like you, breathing out. It’s allergic asthma with me. I keep it. I always get salbutamol prescribed. Well, it helps so moderately. But breathing better, the tickling with cough irritation takes – if at all – only slightly off.

Previously on black powder shooting, you could possibly have burned residues. In the case of black powder, I find it also slightly irritating. Outstanding at your club?

Hot Tip: Next time KK Shoot… smoke-free;)

10 months ago

Dry neck/bone, drink what and good.

10 months ago
Reply to  Gubbel2008

…then surely the first signs of throat, air tubes or even lung cancer in the incurable final stage. Sorry, but we all have to leave once, the one just earlier (as you) , the other later (as I am).

10 months ago

Sure, good age, apart from that, you then relieve the health insurance and pension fund, as well as the tense housing market. “Refugees are welcome here, bring youre families!”