Help, I have debts?
How long will it take until trust in Otto is restored?
How long will it take until I can order from Otto on account again?
If I now pay my debt of €33.17 to Otto
Can I order on account again soon?
Schufa entry yes no? (Debt collection, Schufa, prepayment) – gutefrage
Urgent help, don't know what to do? (Order, invoice, Otto) – gutefrage
Otto also has an in-house collection company. You can forget future orders on account. This also applies to all other Otto Group companies.
Keep going.
Always buy brav about credit, which makes total sense
Unfortunately no one can see here 🙂
33€ Debt… Seriously?
Why do you buy that on credit?
I bought on account
Without owning the money? When do you get pay?
I’m getting a disability pension now
Inkasso gets you