hilfe ich esse zuviel zucker?

ich pack in alles zucker mit rein, in jedem gericht was ich koche, manchmal esse ich einfach zuckerwürfel als snack, wenn keine haribos oder ähnliches da sind
ich bin nicht dick, eigentlich sogar untergewichtig, aber gesund kann das ja nicht sein, wie komm ich davon weg? was wären alternativen an snacks so beim zocken oder so? (hab auch generell irgendwie ein gestörtes essverhalten aber das is n anderes thema)

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1 year ago

Hello MelMagTechno, 👋

I pack in everything sugar with pure, in every dish what I cook, sometimes I just eat sugar cubes as snack when there are no haribos or similar

Sugar cubes as a snack? … oha…

Are you eating healthy and balanced?

I am not fat, actually even underweight,

You know why? Do you eat too little?

but it can’t be healthy, how do I get away from it?

Well, it comes to the crowd.

How much gram of sugar do you eat this day?

what would be alternatives to snacks so while cocking or something?

Nuts, carrots, blueberries, etc…

Why do you have the theme “Diabetes”


Are you afraid of diabetes?

LG 🙋🏻

1 year ago
Reply to  MelMagTechno

Very happy

There are also candy with erythrit. Maybe this will help you in the meantime if you call hiper on something sweet. LG 🙋🏻

1 year ago

Has Hitler also done! => teeth!!

1 year ago
Reply to  MeinName927


1 year ago

Yes then eat less sugar what is so hard about it? Fruits like this