Hilfe ich brauche Internet?
Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte beim Saturn Internet bestellen habe mich angemeldet einen Wlan Router gekauft, da sollte jemand vorbei kommen um das abzuschließen,
allerdings haben wir die Meldung bekommen, dass es keinen Platz für Internet Anschluss im Keller gibt alle voll sind,
das liegt daran, dass der vorherige Mieter das Internet nicht abgemeldet hat, somit hat o2 unser Vertrag (DSL) gekündigt, konnte uns nicht weiter helfen.
wir kommen nicht an den vorherigen Mieter haben keine Daten nichts von ihm der Vermieter kann uns da auch nicht helfen nun stehen wir ohne Internet da
wie sollen wir da am Besten vorgehen..
eine Nachbarin im Haus hat gesagt, dass jemand dasselbe erlebt hat und Netcologne da helfen konnte.. habe keinen Plan
Deutsche Telekom is DSL management and the only ones that can be accessed to the distributor. It is a problem to be added without having to conclude a contract to stay with Deutsche Telekom. for the first sentence. O2/Netcologe/1&1/Vodafone DSL. All DSL providers must pass on interference to Telekom. as Telekom KD in the first not second row.
0800 33 01000
what a stupid situation. The problem here is that the line cannot simply be terminated, as there is a contract between the pre-rent and the provider.
It should be in the interest of the renter that the contract is terminated – he is now paying for a performance he no longer uses.
But since he is not a ransom, there is only one possible solution: you give us an order. Then we can research whether and what is feasible.
Best regards
If the APL is full, unfortunately no one can help you in the short term.
The landlord is not responsible here, he is only responsible for the lines inside the house and they would be free in doubt.
The owner of the APL, usually Deutsche Telekom, must fulfil the still existing contract. Even if it is no longer used. The APL could of course be extended, but this is not worth it, because the number of housing units will probably not increase.
You could write @Telekomhilft here.
… the landlord cannot get out of the dust.
If there is a connection (and only in this case) it is for the landlord that the tenant can also use this connection. Otherwise, rent reduction is in the room. So short notice (written) to the landlord.
Just wanted to write: The landlord will not helping 🙂
That’s exactly what I see.
Telekom is your friend and helper…