Help, do I have an autistic child?
This is a long story, I'll try to keep it short.
We desperately wanted a child. But my husband is infertile, and a doctor was and still is simply too expensive for us… so we asked someone if they could donate for us.
We knew this person for about a year before we tried it. We got along well, too.
I asked him several times whether there were any illnesses, hereditary diseases, or similar things in the family. He always denied it.
Well, we tried it and it worked the first time.
And now I've learned that the donor has a child who has an autism spectrum disorder.
Even so, many things came out where he lied to us.
Now the question of all questions… what are the chances that my daughter has this?
What signs should I look out for?
What are good signs?
What are “bad” signs?
This is completely new to me and I really don't know anything about it.
Thank you in advance… I'm really desperate and worried.
Our daughter is 4 months old and laughs a lot, too. We're currently practicing rolling.
Did you specifically ask for neurological development disorders/preventions, or just genetic diseases?
If you were asking for genetic diseases, I wouldn’t have told you anything about my autism. For autism is not even a disease in the most remote.
It is important to know that there are great differences between disabilities and diseases.
In addition, I am afraid that you would have decided against this donor if you had known that he is an autist, because you would be too afraid that your child could also get it. I find that very sad, because you would either want every child or not at all. Children’s wars are not a wish concert. And autism is nothing bad.
Your daughter is still very young. Mostly, the first signs of autism are shown only from about the 3rd year of life. I’d say you don’t worry first and look that if you’re about 3-5, you’re looking for a children’s eurologist or, alternatively, children’s psychiatrist with autism (very important!).
Possible signs can be:
But I’d wait and drink tea as you say.
And if she really should be an autist, that’s the way. You can learn a lot from her. Look at it as an enrichment, because autism means not only the things I have listed above. It’s another brain, so to speak. (Wortword.) Another neurology. That means that we perceive the world differently etc. pp. and several perspectives on the world are always important. It would be very boring if there were only neurotypical people.
Genetics is not the sole cause of autism. Environmental factors during the prenatal phase, such as infections during pregnancy or environmental poisons, could also play a role in the development of autism. The interaction between genetic and environmental factors is considered an important factor in the development of autism.
Overall, autism is not a simple genetic disease, but a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors that can influence the development of this disorder.
Thank you for this info.
Bad signs of your abilities as a parent are when you rely on any so-called anonymous people on good question. Ask your pediatrician.
But it can be possible that someone has experience. Of course, we’re going to be smart, but you can also see if someone has the experience or knows. For this, the page is there to exchange views. ask etc.
Even if your husband was the father, your child could be neurodivers.
Even if it does not have ASS it could have a disease or disability.
Sure, you can scream loudly before worry.
You don’t have to.
Since you didn’t notice anything before you knew about it, you haven’t noticed anything yet.
And even if you notice anything at some point:
It’s your child! Take it as it is!
Of course we take our child as it is. Still, you’re thinking now. I think it’s completely normal to think about his child. And I don’t know everything, and maybe someone has experience.
Of course someone has experience.
For example, your child wouldn’t like to get on your arm or then turn your head away from you later.
But this is just an example because not all ASS babies react the same.
So first assume everything is good.