Hilfe gegen Spannungskopfschmerzen?
Hallo seid 30 Jahren habe ich Chronische Kopfschmerzen circa einmal im monat zwei bis sechs tage lang am stück starke kopfschmerzen. Der kopfschmerz ist rund herum schmerzten helfen nicht .Hat Irgendjemand einen Rat für mich? Ich bin wirklich sehr verzweifelt das echt nicht mehr so ertragen. Lieber Gruss
Love Bianca,
I’ll just share what’s going on with me as a picture when I look at your question… even if you may be confusing it as esoteric nonsense.
You haven’t been in your full potential for many years, because you’ve been experiencing something stressful at about 12 years, which you haven’t been able to work up completely.
This experience affects your chakra system, your perception and your value system. So you are blocked in the neck chakra, which stands for the authentic self-expression, which also limits the performance of your forehead chakra.
The result of this constellation is that you think, feel and trade very strongly according to the motto “A woman must stand her husband” and that the female side of your being comes too short.
Every person is supplied with male (Yang) and female (Yin) life energies from creation. As someone deals with these powers lies in the respective personal responsibility.
You live in the area of your neck chakra about 90% yang, which brings the tone of the neck and neck muscles out of balance and also affects blood circulation.
This constellation is perceived as a voltage-head pain.
The shock can be brought into the healing phase and you can do the missing balance between Yang and Yin. All alone, this is likely to be difficult, but there are people who are aware of such issues.
If you still care for a sufficient supply of Vitamain D3, B12 and iron, your headaches should soon go to healing.
Thank you for this aAntwort 👼
Try naked relaxation exercises with gentle yoga (GROANS!)
Like that
Stress headaches almost always come from the neck and shoulder muscles
Can help, don’t have to go – but just walking would be nothing for the muscles in place
You should see a pain therapist.
Atlaslogy, spinal gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage, yoga, acupuncture, acupuncture
The video of LePetitGateau can also be highly recommended to you 👌 that also helps me very much if I have headaches.