hilfe finger entzündet (siehe bild)?
ich hab die doofe angewohnheit mir die haut an den nägeln aufzureißen. meistens heilt das von selbst ab, aber an dem zeigefinger hier tut es weh wenn ich es anfasse und muss dazu sagen da ging schon bisschen viel haut ab. es pocht auch richtig und ist dick geworden. dummerweise hatte ich kein pflaster drauf getan gehabt (vor ca 6 tagen passiert) weil nix geblutet hat. hab richtig panik weil im internet was davon steht dass so was in blutvergiftung enden kann. sollte ich zum arzt oder ist es übertrieben?
I’ve also looked at nails for a while, and (as you ) wrapped around the nail skin. So I know
It was a time when my father died. I was psychic in a very bad condition.
Maybe you’ve got grief too. also nervous?
Bepanthen – ointment helps quickly with small injuries
You get the recipe – free in the pharmacy
I hope you get this habit under control – otherwise you always have such painful inflammations
LG. Fishing
When reading the question, I also spontaneously thought of Bepanthen wound and healing ointment, which can do real little wonders! Once again the same thought, dear Angel! And before that, I would make a light core soap pad for my finger, then bepanthen on it and glue the wound spot well with plaster! This will help in any case!
You mean nails you’re tearing off, right? This can indeed be unhappy if you’re pretending.
In your place, I would not let Nietnägel and the underlying mineral deficiency occur at all.
This is possible with the biochemical functional agent No. 8: Natr. Chlorateum D6. Taking: 3 x daily 2 tablets. Let the mouth disintegrate (before 2 pm!)
I’ve been using it for over 40 years!
When you start with it (and don’t crawl around anymore), the wound will soon heal.
Do a patch on it.
That’s exactly what I mean. knew it was so hot. if I see it’s a little bit, I need to tear it off completely and that can be really bad. ok interesting didn’t know a lack of control! will definitely inform me. abee could result in poisoning or something bad? google made me so afraid. I didn’t make a plumber on it because the miracle is more or less and I thought that would bring nix more
Germs can penetrate into open wounds. You can disinfect them with 3% H202 solution. If there’s a bit of a glimmer, report again. Then you need another mineral.
Hello at the nail bed seems to be pussy in it, can try to express the pussy or make schnapps wrap
do you have any wound disinfectant? if so, then disinfect the wound a few times a day and watch the next days
is it going in after? the wound is almost “to”
Then disinfect the for example with skin disinfectant, which you always had at the corona or with an iodine ointment and then make a sterile plaster over it point then this should also heal again.
You better go to a pharmacy and ask what is best for your case.