Help! Am I a furry?
Hey there.
I have a "problem". I have no experience with furries (people who identify with animals and express this accordingly), and I don't own a fursuit, but I do own other full-body suits (kigurumis), such as a fox. And I love foxes. I wear it almost all the time because I feel so comfortable in it…and I do certain other things in it too. Does that make me a furry?
You’re a furry if you mean being one. You’re not being made. And it’s not that bad now.
That that’s bad I never claimed! I’m just insecure and I need some writing contact with Furries or people who know it because I really have 0 experience with it._.
A fursuit is not necessary. If you feel like a furry, you’re one. so easy it is
Take your time with the Suit. It doesn’t push at all. Be creative, consider a sona (in your own Furry-ich) and let your imagination look free. Before you think about buying a Suit, I’d try to tell you if you ever did. I’ve built one myself, and I’ve only noticed that I really need it.
Yeah, I know. However, have had contact with this subject via this Suits/Kigurumi. I only found out through these suits that there are Furries at all / what that means. Well, I hope to meet someone I can write about so that I can get familiar with the topic about direct contact with Furries ^.^
Take a breath. Your text reads as if you’re out of the rags 😀
I’m giving Samtino right. If you feel like being a furry, you’re one too. That you love animals I find great, as long as it does not end up in Zoophilia ^^
As inexperienced as you were, I was in the subject too. After half a year in the Furryfandom you show exactly how the rabbit runs. If you want to learn more about the topic, want to meet with other Furrys or want to share interest, I would advise you as a first step to register.
Look through the forum. Usually there’s something for everyone. Meetings, meetings, regular tables and conventions are also announced and partially organised. A good opportunity to meet others personally and make friends.
If you want, we can also talk at the Teampeak or something. I’d be happy about it.
Thank you for this answer!
Well, I’ve already signed up, but at, hope that’s okay too:D
Can we write? I’m really very shy..I already know that I can never say what I actually want to say, it’s easier to write x:
Join Furbase as well. There are significantly more registrations and you will find the dates or meets from which you will get nix. It never hurts to draw knowledge from several sources.
I don’t know what to be a furry
Someone who identifies himself with an animal, builds costumes/suits of them and runs around in them. It is almost a preference or fetish for people who want to behave like animals and look like that.
Oh, but then you’d have to know this yourself… because we don’t know if you have a preference for it or if you just slip into the costume because it’s cozy… Then you just have to see if what you’ve been counting on you
Then google it 🙂 Wikipedia has a super entry.
I don’t understand the problem
Well, because I’m almost permanently in this fox gantic suit because I like that, I wonder if I can already call myself a furry or not because of that.
As you call it, it is only secondary importance. Let’s say you’re such a furry. What did you get with this information now?
It is important that you know who you are and accept yourself as you are, I think.