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6 months ago

Find the Spanish User Guide here. In this, on page 45, it is analogous that the circuit works exactly as with any other motorcycle. The shift pedal is on the left and the positions are up from the bottom: 1., idling, 2. 3., …. etc. So you pull the clutch and push the position downwards with the foot tip on the pedal or pull the position upwards with the foot tip under the pedal and relieve the pedal before any new gear change. Translation from the manual S. 45:

“SCHALTPEDAL: It is located below the left side of the engine and is served along its entire path with the foot, allowing it to snap into its resting point before changing the gear. To enter the first gear, press the pedal down by foot. To insert the other gears you pull the pedal up with the foot tip.”

If you can put it on the main stand A helper who keeps it up at the back so that the rear wheel does not come to the ground, sit on it and practice and try it in the stand.

6 months ago
Reply to  Rene23xt

That’s very bad. Switch without hectic and quiet. Pull, switch, release clutch, one by one. I broke the gear because of too hectic shifting, and the rear wheel was blocked and punched. On the road to overtaking. I met a truck that kind of braked in time.