Hilfe bei Mathe?
Das schuljahr hat begonnen und ich hab mal wieder keine Ahnung wie Mathe geht. Ich brauch hilfe bzw eine erklärung wie ivh es machen kann.
Aufgabe: Zeichnen Sie den Graphen der Funktion f in einem geeignet gewählten Intervall. Erstellen sie dazu eine Wertetabelle.
a) f(x) = Die wurzel aus 2x-4 (ich finde das wurzel zeichen nicht)
b) f(x)= x * sin(x)
c) f(x)= 1/2x^2-3x+1
d) f(x)= die wurzel aus 3x durch x (also im bruch)
kann mir jemand erklären wie ich das mache?
First, you should understand what a function is. From experience I know that it’s already hapering with students there…
A function (at any rate the one you get to know at school) can be imagined as a kind of “number converter”: you take an x value and convert it into a y value. According to which rules this is done, the function term is given. For example in a): Multiplicate your input with 2, subtract 4 and take the root. The result is then your y-value.
If we now use different values for x and write them together with the y values that we then get, we get a value table. It then has 2 columns: left the x values, right the y values. Here it is often recommended not to arbitrarily use any points, but to keep a fixed distance. For example, you can take all natural numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3,…
And if you set each entry in the table into a coordinate system and then connect the point, you drew the graph of the function (or approximated).
Small tip for you: When you write that you have no idea how math goes again and that there are gaps in basic fabric, it is absolutely recommended to close these gaps. You’re welcome, too. Mathe builds on each other, and if you don’t come along now, it’ll be harder.
So thank you very much. And then because of your note, if it gets worse I will take navhhilfe but she gave us the task without repeating it and it is already some months ago that I had to do it, so I almost needed only one spark that it comes back. but still thanks 🙂
First, you think about the definition of the function. Then make a value table, set the calculated points into a coordinate system and then connect the points as smooth as possible.
Task a) Definition quantity x≥ 2
As it stands in the task:
Create a value table
Insert value pairs into a coordinate system
So, you select an x value and calculate the y value (f(x))
You enter this pair of values x/y into the KOS. (x to right, y to top)
you do this for several x