Hilfe bei Installationsschaltung?


Ich brauche Hilfe mit dieser Installationsschaltung.


Bei X1 wird ein Kühlschrank angeschlossen. X1 wird mit Q1/P1 ein- und ausgeschaltet, und P1 wird beleuchtet, wenn er eingeschaltet ist. E1 und E3 müssen über S1 und Q2 ein- und ausgeschaltet werden.

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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9 months ago

I’m getting a few things right up…

  • According to the description, E1/E3 should also be switched by S1 and Q1, but you think Q3 did Q1?
  • Q2 is without function… Why does this switch exist unnecessarily?
  • S1 has no continuous phase, but the feed from the switched phase to E1/E3. Speak, it can turn off if the lamps already light, but never turn on…
  • X1 and Q1 with P1 are completely incorrectly connected. The socket X1 has N only via the bulb! That’s wrong. The switch alternately switches L and N to the socket.
  • Your “feed line” has no PE and somehow ends in the cable to Q1/P1 and X1??? That’s not clear what this is supposed to be… but guess that the two ending veins should be L and N of the feed line, but no PE is in the process of…
9 months ago
Reply to  Tractor3974

Is the task really so predetermined? Would rather be on a power surge circuit for a luminaire, an interchangeable circuit/saving circuit for the second luminaire, and the sockets are always suspected separately under current… Would at least make more sense, just because of the second change switch…

9 months ago
Reply to  Tractor3974

I meant S1 and Q2 for E1 and E3.

Concentration. Q3 can be controlled via S1. Q2 is a non-used change switch which is not to be controlled by S1…

9 months ago

You’ve been drawing some kind of confusion that’s never gonna work.

9 months ago
Reply to  Tractor3974

If you want to send me the task to private, I’d like to draw you a plan. Or explain it to you.