Hilfe bei Gedicht?
Hallo Leute, ich hab in Geschichte als Hausaufgabe eine Strophe von einem Gedicht weiter zu schreiben. Das Gedicht heißt „Die Gedanken sind frei“ vielleicht kennt ihr das ja. Jedenfalls kriege ich einfach keinen Reim zusammen. Kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen, oder hat jemand eine Idee?
Viele Grüße
The question is if you only have problems with the rhyme. Then it would be very good if you put your current status in here.
Otherwise, of course, you can also include current developments, because the freedom of thought is potentially more at risk today than before – just because of the greater monitoring possibilities.
Fortunately, not yet with us, as the following page shows. But what would be possible in a dictatorship, for example, becomes clear.
In any case, I would strongly recommend you not to look for the original poem if you know that, that’s so “perfect”, then you don’t think of anything good. I know it, unfortunately, and I feel caught and cannot help.