Help everyone! How to determine the sex of a cockatiel?
About a month ago, we got two cockatiels. We assumed the gray one was a male and the yellow one a female. Is this actually true?
About a month ago, we got two cockatiels. We assumed the gray one was a male and the yellow one a female. Is this actually true?
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Hello, since my quails don't have a broody instinct, I was thinking of getting a surrogate mother for the eggs, and I think our pigeons would be well suited for this. Can I place quail eggs under my pigeons? What do I need to keep in mind during incubation and after hatching?
You need pictures of the animals.
“yellow” so lutino I guess can be both cock and hen. You can determine the sex here if you know how the parents look. Otherwise you need to test a DNA or wait and observe the behavior when they become sexually mature.
“grey” I guess it’s wild, right? It can be seen by coloring after the first mouse, and they must also be a little older. Otherwise test DNA.