High seinGefühl?

Also ich habe mich Mal auf verschiedene Seiten informiert übers High sein etc.

Meine Frage ist, wie man sich fühlt. Also ich habe viel gelesen dass man sich gut fühlt, nicht klar denken kann, nur scheiße labert etc..

So aber ich hab auch gelesen dass es einem richtig dreckig geht, man Angstzustände bekommt einem Schwindelig wird usw, also nicht dieses Typische High Sein (gar nichts mehr auf die Reihe bekommen,nichts mitbekommen,Lachflash über nichts bekommen,)

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1 year ago

Am jz just high so how you feel, etc I can explain you exactly but you need to know if you’ve been tricking for a long time, take it easy to talk about that you’re high too, but not like the first painting and the first two three months you’re totally high eyes are straight red and you really can’t control you constantly laughing, etc, it’s always possible but have to experience much more around this high tolerance

So how do you feel like laughing like mentioned above about everyone even the people on the street become funny no matter what they do, think about nix more after have hardly any time feeling the time passes fast, everything is perfect nix bothers you in short.

The one with the anxiety, etc I have no experience but the dizzy feeling nausea is called green out or so that once had smoked too much and felt good headaches etc so green out is so resurrected everything has clearly seen but started to go slower and always swung back and forth I then put myself on a bench and couldn’t keep my head up

Bin jz also full high sry for this eye cancer text no feeling jz for grammatic 😂

1 year ago

dose sola facit venenum.

By the way, it is recommended to read “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer).

1 year ago

Both are right.

It always comes to your constitution and setting when using substances. Do you feel bad, it is likely that the drug will make this feeling worse. That’s why you should never take drugs if you don’t feel comfortable or don’t like the environment and people.

1 year ago

Setting is important.

My experience of being high with cannabis with a high tolerance is however meanwhile simply heart-shave and you will surely know the feeling of excitement that be happy as if anything happens every moment. How do I feel

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The problem is that this is a highly subjective experience that everyone experiences more or less differently. You can read a lot about how it will feel for yourself, but you only know when it is so far.

Individual factors relevant to the effect include, among other things, pre-disorders, genetic dispositions, calculus effects with drugs or other drugs, the environment in which one stays and reconciliation. This is summarized under Set and Setting. All this and even more determines whether an experience becomes more positive or negative and which of the many effects that a substance can have occur.

Apart from this, however, it also depends on which active compounds this plant forms in what amounts. This depends not only on the variety, but also on the cultivation and growth conditions. What is uncontrolled in the black market. What exactly you consume when you consume an illegal substance, you know without Drugchecking basically not. Correspondingly, it is also uncertain which forms of which effects can be expected.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here: