High durch Kräuterseitlinge?

Also ich hab gerad in der Pfanne ein paar von den Pilzen angebraten mit weißem, schwarzen Pfeffer, Knoblauchpulver und Salz. Naja ich stand halt die ganze Zeit am Herd, hab durchgehend alles inhaliert, mich kurz darauf hingesetzt und bemerkt dass ich bisschen high bin. Also ich war schon sehr oft high und kenne das Gefühl aber noch nie hatte ich das ohne drogen. Das waren ja nur so supermarktpilze. Und ich glaube ich bin so nh stufe high über bisschen high

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Your questions show that you are still relatively young and possibly right in the middle of puberty. Although I can’t judge the lack of qualification and distance anyway, I would assume that public hormones play a role in your experience. And a portion of autosuggestion.

It doesn’t come from what you did.

1 year ago

I don’t think that’s enough – but if you want to talk to you, I don’t want to be the one who’s holding you.

1 year ago

I think this is rather unlikely, but can of course be that due to strong inhalation some receptors in the brain have been a little bit washed, but as I said very unlikely.

However, what is more likely is that when cooking, you have thought a lot about whether it is possible to get high by means of this, that your brain has automatically adjusted to it and then simulated the already known effect.


1 year ago
Reply to  HelluWieGehts

If not, I also don’t know if you took THC on the previous day, because certain quantities are happy to last one or two days longer. However, it also depends heavily on quality and the way to the blood. Otherwise, you might be tired.


1 year ago

Yes, they are particularly delicious and probably contain some slightly stimulating substances that gently activate the brain (=not manipulative).

Soon there will be the fungus-collection season, there are other tasty species with a similar effect. Especially mushrooms supplement our usual food especially well.