Hi, zu meiner letzten Frage wolltet Ihr mehr Fotos sehen, die ich als Antwort nicht hochladen konnte. Hilft dieses nun, die Punzen zu erkennen evtl. beurteile?

Hallo, ich weiß, hier gibt‘s ein paar echte Fachfrauen und -Männer für Porzellan. Könnt Ihr mir sagen, auf welchen Hersteller diese Punze hinweist? Und auch, ob auf mehr oder weniger Wert?

vielen herzlichen Dank schonmal!

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6 months ago

Hello, your displayed brand cannot be found in my two reference works of porcelain manufactures with their porcelain brands. If you then browse through the large, well-known websites with brand boards by brands with crossed tridents and arrows, you will find similar brands, but not yours.

So new search with “Service Indian blue straw pattern/ decor” crossed arrows” and ….Full hit. Even the mark is identical. Porcelain factory Kalk (Eisenberg-Zeit)

https://www.porzellanfieber.de/Eisenberger-Porzelliner.html – Up to the big table scroll the number 63, you see your brand. Honestly, I had already ruled out the Kalk porcelain factory. Just because of the well-known brands that didn’t fit at all.

I don’t know how to evaluate it, but apparently the Porzallan painters had at lime, up to a certain time, a certain artistic freedom at the brush brand or the brands were simply painted sluggishly.

30 different brands https://www.porzellanfieber.de/Porzellanfabrik-Kalk_Firmengeschichte_Porzellanmarke_gekreuzte-Pfeile_Eisenberg-Thueringen.html

Your brand is an early brand. It is believed that it was used between 1900 and 1930. I’m missing the time to investigate.

The shapes of your pieces, at least those you can see, confirm the possible age. The new-conical form of cans, sugar cans, butter cans and other pieces definitely existed around 1900.

Yeah, what to say is worth. The traffic value of porcelain, especially dishes, has crashed into the cellar in recent years.

The next problem is that few know this brand. If you offer it online, you have to insert the link to the brand into the article description, but also mention the age already in the title.

For fast sales, all at once, without great effort and effort, I suspect that you can reach between 80 and 200 euros. But there are many factors that play a role.

Provide it skillfully and with many good and appealing images and information. There are collectors and lovers who need to be addressed and recognize the old forms. Then you can get a lot more.

It could be set at Ebay in an auction with minimum price. Let the auction start with 0 Euro, which awakens the hunting instinct and the number of bidders increases, and you set the minimum price at 300 Euro (or so high you want). Then you’ll see how high it is. If the minimum price is not reached, you can also accept the offer of the maximum bid at the end of the auction if you want.

Good luck;)

6 months ago
Reply to  Nikkom

It’s good that you have:)….and it’s the production of lime.

6 months ago
Reply to  Margita1881

It’s good that we have. We all make a good contribution. :

Yes, as already mentioned, I did lime too, the brands just didn’t fit. The rest was lucky.

The best thing is, we have learned something again.

6 months ago
Reply to  FrauReinecke

I’m a knaller? 🤭

Thank you!

I always advocate using these things myself. But of course I also understand very well that you need a little more space for such an extensive service.

Thank you for the star. :

6 months ago

Hello FrauReinecke

it is no onion pattern

It looks like this:


Your model is called Ind. Blue


The winterling brand looks completely different.

This porcelain brand with the two = Neptun symbols I could not find at any manufacturer.

Where did you get the porcelain: inherited/purchased?

6 months ago
Reply to  Margita1881

For your supplement on the 1st question on this dishes:

Apparently, always shopping. PRME is here, but also this sign…

The model was then added by various manufacturers

Ok, a manufacturer with PRME I found and know what…the manufacture was founded by your forerunners:)

The initials PRME for:

  • F.A. Reinecke, Eisenberg, gegr. 1890, closed 1926

Here the history:


6 months ago

Google after “Geschirr indisch blau”, there should be numerous hits.

Could be a stamp of the porcelain factory lime https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porzellanfabrik_Kalk

6 months ago
Reply to  florestino

It’s not lime.

They have two arrows as a brand and not the Neptune sign

6 months ago
Reply to  Margita1881

return my comment; You were right; sorry