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Doesn’t seem new. Firstly, the mouse has traces of use and secondly, this should actually look like this:
So the dongle and the cover. Should be there.
Thanks for the photo, the part in the middle has missed. I was in the media market today and brought the mouse back. Another (the last) opened with the seller before I bought it again and this, like the first bought, also had traces of use. Strange story.
That’s funny. Maybe the whole batch is faulty. I’d buy the mouse somewhere else. LG
the free space you have photographed is for powerplay, so you can load your mouse over the mauspad per induction.
the dongle is usually larger in gaming products and therefore usually extra in the box in it.
Mostly the dongle has approx
the size of a USB stick
Okay, thanks. I don’t know how to recognize quickly; I have gogled the word Dongle 😇