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This is a well-known expression. What is normally meant is: “You have to eat what comes on the table“.
The meaning is not specifically cooked for you.
Was in my childhood also so, and there was so much I didn’t eat (fish, mushrooms – today I see this as ignorant stupidity)
Sounds bright first. What’s on the table and what’s the alternative?
Well, a vase doesn’t taste.
Old custom. You don’t cook for free. However, you can also log in.
Then you don’t eat it.
At some point, we’re hungry.
And then?
I didn’t eat anything, it’s a lot like cooking
Your parents can tell you to try something. However, they can’t force you to eat something you don’t like.
I myself know this sentence very well, and after that I must say he was not so wrong. After all, my parents tried to bring some freshly cooked to the table every day.
Clearly, the whole thing is mutual. Parents know of course what a child doesn’t taste, then they leave this supplement.
With me it was in Fenchel’s childhood, I couldn’t smell it…
But that I say I don’t like eating in general, that didn’t come in the bag.
As long as you don’t cook yourself and buy your own resources: Yes, otherwise you’re free to prepare yourself.
Sounds bright.
If you wish “Forelle nach MÃ1⁄4llerinart” and there’s coal incense, then there’s coal incense.
Be happy what comes on the table
But I don’t like it
Once you can overcome yourself, sometimes you have to make compromises
Don’t like alone is no reason. Can you cook?
Had the same problem, food has tasted extremely bad and could not leave the kitchen until I had eaten.
Once I unnoticed the stuff put in a plastic bag, hidden under my clothes and finally buried in the garden. I’ve often thrown a few bits under the kitchen bench. You can force no one to eat
Do you want something under the table or what?
If you don’t want to eat it, just stay hungry or do something.
That’s right
Find something like that
they’re talking!
Let them eat the stuff themselves. I’m out.