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Offer your child alternatives. Even children like us adults have certain advantages what they like and what they don’t. Try to offer your child to try it and if he tastes it and then still doesn’t like it, you’ll just offer an alternative.
Let him explore what he likes and what he doesn’t. This is very important for children.
Cut slices thin
is finished cut and frozen
Next time make better .
What a question –
Eat it yourself. When the bread is cut, eat it and eat it gradually.
For the child? no double breads make very easy, butter or similar and well laid.
Give him some fruit instead of bread.
If he’s breakfast at home, he doesn’t need a bread. Our little one eats no bread, even at home hardly – at best a slice of toast bread. But he’s flying a kind of mueslibrei every morning. He’s getting sick for three hours.
Yes, he is too thick
Don’t be surprised, this is a troll spammer.
Thicker to prove, then the ratio of bread to covering fits again.
The bread is too thick and he does not eat it
This is a troll spammer, the “bread roll”.
Let the child eat something else
I just find something like that in a choir
Why would someone eat something he doesn’t like?
Cut thinner.
It’s finished
A good mother takes her child seriously. Why provoke when it has certain dislikes!
Because I find something like this
Tolerance is not great.
Not more.
And that’s how you draw a little tyrant.
Yes, this is also the associated caliber🏻
And just such little macks make a child lovable. I always had to cover my little girl accurately, on her specific instructions. I didn’t do that, and I just found it sweet.
Yes do you have no spleens/ preferences or are iwo selective? You’re eating everything you’re getting up?
The wise men are giving up.
Yes but it is the same bread
Send a child hungry to bed.
I hope the “child” is already in bed.
you mean I shouldn’t let myself dance on my nose
That’s right. The child should learn respect for food. If the bread is a bit too thick, it is not bad and if it is not eaten, there is nothing.
The guy is the child, a troll and a spammer.
Yes and then tomorrow morning there is again of bread to learn it