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9 months ago

Kawio, 👋

is that still normal?


I measured my sober blood sugar today and had a value of 85

Completely normal. 👍

an hour after but 176

1 hour after eating

and 2 hours thereafter 174

2 hours after eating

is this prediabetes or is it still normal?

Postprandial reference values:

(2 hours of dinner)

< 140 mg/dl = healthy

140 mg/dl = prediabetes

> 200 mg/dl = type 2 diabetes

Please consult a doctor

and make an oGTT.

And destiny of HbA1c.

LG 🙋🏻

9 months ago

The sober value depends on what you’ve eaten before and how long you haven’t eaten. For example, go to bed by 3 and eat a bread, then rise by 6 but it is normal that the value is higher. Did you eat more last night, blood sugar is quite high for a sober value.

Did you eat something after that, that he goes up like that?

If so, the value should drop again two hours after the meal, but it’ll rise with you.

I’m not a doctor, but for me, it looks like your body doesn’t spill or too little insulin.

Go to the pediatrician and have a sugar pollution test.

You go sober, you are measured, you get a bottle of sugar solution to drink and then you measure your blood values over two hours. If the blood sugar does not drop or decreases too slowly, one can probably assume a prediabet.

Then you can also determine your long term value if you are already there.

9 months ago
Reply to  Kawio

Make yourself a table where you’ll write in when you ate something and how your blood sugar was before and after. That’s what you’re doing with the diabeologist. He has a better overview.

9 months ago
Reply to  LonelySoul87

Did you eat more last night, blood sugar is quite high for a sober value.


The sober BZ is not at all

high, but completely normal/okay.

… but it seems to me that your body isn’t or too little insulin.

Then it looks like you wrong.

If no or too little insulin

would be poured out,

then the postprandial BZ

VIEL HÖHER (Type 1 diabetes),

or higher (type 2 diabetes).

9 months ago

A doctor has more detailed possibilities to test this. Please let an expert explain this.

9 months ago

Go to the doctor. It’s not normal.