Hi ich war heute mit einer Freundin Nachause Gefahren und sie wollte lieber zu MC Donalds anstatt Brot zu essen wie hättet ihr als Eltern reagiert?
Ihre Mutter hatte Brot Zuhause aber sie wollte liber zu MC Donalds wir hatten bis 14 Uhr schule und sie hatte bald Traning also konnte m an auch nichts mehr Kochen wie hättet ihr reagiert
so I would be my child if there is food at home certainly not drive too mc but take out there and you don’t have to forbid it
yes ne it was from school
If she bought that from her pocket money, I won’t wait for her with the cooked food and that doesn’t happen too often, that would be fine for me.
Excuse me, McDonalds is much better than any bread. It’s completely understandable.
I wouldn’t feed myself regularly from McDonalds, but cook or order in time short.
I am generally not enthusiastic about the concept of “fast food for children”. So sooner you get used to children of so much the risk they become ” addicted” by almost food. Of course, as a mother, I would not forbid almost food. I would have the need for my children to eat burgers and pommes, then prepare them together at home. Above all, I would also reject the fast food chains if there was a much healthier home.
I wouldn’t react. I want her to decide.
How should she decide herself and how you wouldn’t react that was home from school
If she has money, it’s her thing. Whether at home from school or at other times, nothing changes.
That’s normal