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You can also make your taste and develop in young people anyway. In this respect it is worthwhile to try something more often.
Firstly, a one-sided diet is not so healthy. In addition, you will notice that you have missed some delicious things so far.
Hello your mother is right, but it is also important how to cook something, my mother has cooked all vegetables in the water and always made a pampe, I have never eaten, I am alone and can cook as I want, in vegetables I get pan vegetables from the cooler, from the pan I eat all vegetables, also recommend to cook vegetables in the steamer then the vegetables must not be tasted better than the vegetables
Depending on food you have to eat vitamins and mineral riches, enough fiber and proteins, carbohydrates are also useful for many, you eat the right and not in excess.
If you don’t like broccoli, but you don’t have to eat broccoli, that would be nonsense.
If you only like fast food, burgers and pizza, your mother is right.
yes, you should. and not just a bite, but at least 30, I’ve read, because it takes so long until the signal “new/unknown = do not want” in the brain with strong tastes of an assessment whether good or not can make room.
so you should eat such a dish ca. that you can say whether you like it or not, and I cannot say that
that comes down, and you should also make a premature judgment yourself, but really explode the taste.
(I made this a couple of years ago with coffee, before which I always disgusted, even if I only smelled it: a whole cup, in small swallows – it remained, however, I still disgusted, that was for me with coffee for my rest of my life)
It depends. If you also get a balanced diet with your personal dislikes, it’s just a matter of whether you have to annoy other people or limit yourself constantly.
Above all, you should taste things that you have never eaten. Maybe it will taste you later.
No, you don’t have to eat that.
You don’t have to eat anything you don’t want
The devil eats flies in trouble.
If you have no need then you’ve been lucky.
Especially bread.
If you have the right idea of nutrition, you can leave what you don’t like. Then you can replace necessary nutrients with other options.
I have doubts, however, that you have a lot of idea.
How do you value that yourself? And like your mother?
Your mother’s right.
So you say that I don’t like eating so I still have to eat
Nobody says things ☺️