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The photos are pretty bad for the first time to see reasonable details. I therefore do not know whether the German, the Dutch and the French coin should be a special feature.
The Greek coin – if the adhesive strip signals the exact alignment of the coin a stamp rotation of about 90°. Although this can be called a misprint, it does not have the outstanding value for collectors. If it is confirmed (an image with mirror for the simultaneous view of the front and back would be helpful) At best you have an added value of a small double-digit amount.
What the picture with the edge is unfortunately also unclear.
So if you want a reasonable expertise from us, more detailed information would be helpful.
A very clear N E I N.
And no coins with adhesive tape residues.
You are so smart 🙄 thanks
logically thought out.
The fact that the stamp cutter forgets to cut the word EURO, and that nobody notices in the checks, is quite unlikely.
A manipulation of others is very conceivable, which has become a kind of popular sport for others to manipulate course coins.
Or what happens sometimes. are FAKE coins that show up occasionally.
The Dutch coin has been in circulation for more than 20 years, which can have happened all possible in time, through mechanical force.
No these are normal circulating coins
Normal coins seriously 🥴
in one there is no euro
the other looks falsely pressed out where the crack is
They are only damaged otherwise nothing
Whatever you did with the bottom left
Not much of the Gaul looks up instead to the left
In 130 years maybe
No, just worth it.
These coins have no collector value.