Hi, also ich habe aufeinmal sehr schlechtes internet obwhol ich nichts geändert habe?
Hi, ich bin bei vodafone und habe sehr schlechtes internet aufeinmal ich hab 1 balken auf dem handy wenn ich internet über wlan habe und das ist irgendwie plötzlich passiert davor hatte ich immer volle balken oder 4. Am pc mit lan kabel habe ich auch schlechtes internet.Kann man das fixen? oder ist das n0ormal?
Try to restart the W-lan router. If you don’t get it, you’ll be here Disorder finder (vodafone.de)
Hello. In my opinion, Vodafone’s Wi-Fi is not recommended anyway.
I’d do a “speed test.” You put it in google. If the WLAN is below 10 MB/s it is very slow it is over 10 it goes into the standard row and if you need to use fiber optic cables you should be on the 200 which is very good.
If the WLAN is very bad at once, I would also restart it.
Do not help, see this video:
It can also be that your PC pulls too much internet. Whether LAN or not.
You believe that Vodafone’s Wi-Fi is very bad your internet provider does not offer WiFi but only an internet access which quality and which coverage the Wi-Fi has at your home has absolutely nothing to do with your internet provider
Moin Dome.. I don’t mean that. Where I had Vodafone, I only had problems with it. Now I’ve been with Telekom for a long time and find it faster and better than all other providers. How to hold Vodafone or 1&1 etc.
No internet contract is responsible for home network/wlan
And you do not carry out a speed test, but you read the values in the router.
I even give you quite just you’re trying to overplay that the core message of your comments is absolute bullshit
It has no influence at all whether the questioner is a layman or works in Deutsche Telekom’s development department
Your statement
Now is completely wrong and has nothing to do with what state of knowledge the questioner has, simply, weak mind you have given from you
On the contrary, you even confuse a layman by making such completely stupid claims based on your completely lack of information
How should a layman now please know that your statement does not apply if he has a hybrid contract
Conclusion is the statement a change from DSL to DSL can have no difference is wrong!!!
You can call me superb or you can just admit what you wrote is bullshit
And this is not only the case in this matter.
It’s just because I don’t get so bright. how you? If it were necessary, it would be different. But we’re writing laity here.
They hardly know the DSL is special hold up to 16 Mbit/s DSL Afterwards VDSL .
Do you honestly believe anyone interested in this?
And you read gross values on the router then the (for a line problem) is already out looking for the error.
You take my comment and read it again and because I fear that you still don’t understand a statement you read only a part
There may well be a difference between DSL and DSL, and if you would have only the touch of idea of matter, you would also know that
Because there are different variants of DSL
We have the classic DSL we have VDSL and we have a hybrid DSL that, I know, offers only Deutsche Telekom
In addition to the DSL line, the LTE is used from the Deutsche Telekom network, making the Internet much faster than an old copper line
As a result, a new DSL contract at Deutsche Telekom can be significantly faster than a DSL contract of a contract under leased, e.g. 1&1, which cannot offer this as such, since they only use the internet line and then later register this connection at Deutsche Telekom, however, they do not have to have access to the mobile radio network
Thus, it is quite possible that a DSL connection at Deutsche Telekom can be significantly faster due to their hybrid contracts than a DSL connection at 1&1 using Deutsche Telekom’s DSL network.
The same statement of the same mistakes much opinion little idea
I didn’t even put Vodafone in the word, either. but only written the difference can be noticeable when changing DSL to cable internet not from DSL ZU DSL
So little idea and yet so much opinion Vodafone also offers partly DSL in exactly the same way Deutsche Telekom offers fiberglass in addition, Deutsche Telekom hybrid contracts combined with older infrastructure suburban Deutsche Telekom DSL, which is based on copper lines with LTE depending on the location can make this clear.
Okay times you were not satisfied with Vodafone’s internet connection and have therefore got you an internet connection at Deutsche Telekom whether this is now DSL or fiberglass we don’t know and no even if the other commentator claims there are other than DSL at Telekom
DSL once existed in the form of copper lines then there is still VDSL that means that was glass fiber lines installed at you on site, however, your home connection is still bassed on copper line
For fiberglass connections, Deutsche Telekom no longer speaks of DSL
It can happen, of course, if you have cheap providers they do not have their own line but rent the line of Vodafone or Telekom itself, that then the service is simply worse, systems updates come later and so on
If it is not so long it is DSL and you have no more or less Mbit/s in the contract, the Internet comes via the same line. Only if you have changed from cable internet to DSL. could feel different even at the same contractual value
In itself it could be that there may be disturbances again and again, e.g. due to expansion
If you suddenly have fewer bars, that has absolutely nothing to do with internet speed
The number of bars only signals the signal strength that your WLAN router does not send out which internet speed is transmitted with it
If these two suddenly become less likely to be wrong with your router
Which router you have exactly connected to a Fritzbox or to the homebox of Vodafone or you have connected external WLAN systems in between
Once connect directly with your router and run a speedtest out there, the internet is also slow to find the problem either on the router or outside
Sometimes there is also an amplifier installed at the house connection possibly this has a Macke
If your internet is already bad at the router, please contact your provider in the case of Vodafone
First a router restart, about 2 min.
Then you read the down udn upload speed in the router. If that’s less than 85%, so it’s your provider to call, so if the value is your home network Wlan.
Ever restarted your router? What happens then?
Yes, then nothing happens to the internet remains bad
What do you mean “bad”? The bars? Has someone already written that say zero if “dein Internet” sends the data back and forth quickly or slowly. If you’re using your browser (Firefox, Edge, Chrome, etc, don’t know what you’re using) on the web page surfing, the “normally fast” go on, or wait longer until such a page has built up? A speed test will help you to see if it basically matches your connection!
How are you connected to the Internet? Cable? DSL? 4/5G?