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Sandro von mudrastreetwork

Hey Kleinplan424,

HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) is a cannabinoid that can produce similar effects as THC, but is still relatively new on the market. There is therefore no comprehensive study of this substance. This makes it quite difficult to answer the question whether one could die in a severe overdose. But at least as far as I can conceive, there have been at least no fatal overdoses by HHC, unlike synthetic cannabinoids.

However, this does not mean that the use of HHC is without risk. Permanent consumption, especially in high doses, can cause various psychological and physical problems. Psychically, for example, he can lead to fear, restlessness, paranoia or psychotic experience. Physically, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and headache could occur. In addition, regular consumption involves the risk of tolerance development, where more and more of the substance is needed to achieve the same effects. This can also lead to a mental dependency, which in turn entails own problems.

That’s why it’s important that you look at the signals of your body and, in case of unusual or unpleasant reactions, inflate or even pause consumption. In case of serious or persistent complaints, you should look for contact with a doctor or a doctor. And if you worry about your consumption or need support for consumer change, you can use the free and anonymous platformDigiSearchMake contact with search advice centres that are close to you and offer online advice.

Greetings and All Goods,

sandro by mudrastreetwork / DigiStreet

Sandro von mudrastreetwork
Reply to  Kleinplan424

Thank you for your feedback, if you can start something with the answer 🙂

6 months ago

This is highly unlikely.

Even if HHC is still a relatively new cannabinoid that has not yet been researched so intensively, one can say quite sure that an overdose will probably never end fatal.

In general, cannabinoids are hardly able to cause a fatal overdose because they do not act on the respiratory center in the brain. Thus, there can also be no respiratory arrest, as is the case with opioids or alcohol.

And even if a fatal overdose in theory would be possible, the fatal dose would be so high that it would not be achieved in reality by anyone. You would fall asleep or faint, long before you reach the deadly dose at all.

Only in extremely rare cases could there be an allergic reaction to cannabinoids such as HHC in individual people and this can of course be life-threatening, but allergic reactions are hardly present in cannabinoids.

6 months ago

I got a HHC vape yesterday without thinking much

is clear that there was not much thought! HHC has been prohibited since 27/06/2024 (at least in DE)…. Since this deadline is already over, the purchase was already illegal. (And the seller has made himself abundantly criminal.)

because I have been constantly smoking the vape since the purchase.

and here too there is a little lack of reflection. Vapes cannot be smoked because there is no combustion in it. No combustion = no smoke. And you can’t smoke without smoke.

6 months ago

Overdose can not be of HHC or THC. HHC, however, is a synthetic cannabinoid and therefore side effects are unknown for a long time, which is why I personally keep my fingers off.

The only way you can get rid of it is if you do it regularly and then maybe get through vape lung cancer or something, but it’s also like nicotine.

6 months ago

Because it’s completely unexplored, potentially yes.