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2 years ago

Regardless of detection (which is certainly possible by laboratory analysis)…:

Natural HHC is a cannabinoid under more than 100 cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. Natural HHC as mono- or pure substance is not available.

Market run semisynthetic manufactured HHC.
If this HHC is bound to CBD bag, it is illegal.
Non-synthetic HHC (e.g. in Vapes) has not yet been available for health assessments.

HHC is essentially a market crypt and unsuitable to replace THC.

2 years ago

In fact, one is not sure how exactly HHC is degraded and which end product is then present in the blood. There are indications that HHC does not decay into 11-hydroxy-THC. This is the substance to which many screen tests appeal.

If there is a suspicion, it can be searched specifically and then it will definitely be detected.