HHC Produkte Österreich?

Hallo, ich wollte mal Fragen wie die Gesetze über HHC Produkten in Österreich aussieht

Ist hier nur die Herstellung und der Verkauf illegal, oder auch der Besitz und Konsum? Bei meiner Googlerecherche wurde immer was anderes gesagt

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The HHC produced synthetically as a so-called pure substance has now been incorporated by the Ministry of Health into the New Psychoactive Substance Regulation (NPSV).

Thus, synthetically produced HHC products are subject to the provisions of the New Psychoactive Substance Act [23 March 2023]. Prohibitions in Austria are therefore the production and trade in synthetic HHC – while ownership and consumption remain free of punishment.

https://www.ots.at/publication/OTS_20230322_OTS0011/Health Ministry-stuft-hhc-als-neue-psychoactive substance-one

The buyers are not criminalized. Nevertheless, the executive is entitled to seize psychoactive substances, provided that the consumer cannot crediblely convey that he does not consume the products to change consciousness. However, there is no criminal record.
