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2 years ago

Ordinarily, but the brain cells were properly fried.

tja, this is not his fault, but the one from the state. Thank you Germany.

You can’t say that, something will already be, but it doesn’t have to be a cross-sectional paralysis now, maybe he forgets one thing that’s okay, except that’s nine to five.

If my neighbor doesn’t eat pink every 3 months, it’s just as good in the head as before. If it’s done as a bubble, there’s no big drama in everyday life, but maybe the later can just say bad no if someone can catch him if the time wants to swallow Tesla. But it is different from man to man. There can be other things, worse or better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jiafeislayidol

You can even say net. It depends on human beings. Some are more damaged, some less. You can imagine it like grass. Some feel a lot about the effect of the first paintings, some not at all. Everyone is unique. And yes, I know those who have done this before. They still had the school well completed, but quite normal was the person in communication from time to time (which is not necessarily bad, better funny than boring).

It’s hard to say, it doesn’t really affect brain performance at school, it’s a mindset.

But if the now pops on a breakfast basis then that will certainly be nix with the school, not because of the damaged brain, but because of the depressions that result.

2 years ago

How to take that wrong?? Rektal? Intravenous? Sniefen? Does everything work, I don’t think it’s the truth.

2 years ago

Diggah stop your mouth I eaten two of you yesterday and was asi away

2 years ago

Diggah, you’re just talking about safe, you know what happens to 99% of people who take so much, they see things they never saw. I very much doubt your story

2 years ago

Don’t think

2 years ago

Drugs and growing brain, bad combination.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jiafeislayidol

There’s always any damage. But man is far too complex to be able to determine types of damage and quantities so accurately.

2 years ago

And I answered that.

4 minutes ago

There’s always any damage. But man is far too complex to be able to determine types of damage and quantities so accurately.

2 years ago

How can I answer that specifically?

What are you expecting?

Put remote diagnostics on strangers.

Do you realize what you’re asking? Think.