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The Coconut! Love the 🥥
Nicee thanks for the answer:)
I personally find Gönergy too sweet.. With drinks it does not have Monte but otherwise 💯
Thanks for the answer:)
I don’t like Gönergy personally.
Ok thanks for the answer:)
Don’t be my case if such drinks.. then Moloko. ;-D
Ok thanks for the answer:)
No problem, as I said, is at the end of all the taste. ;-D
I like the yellow variety :#)
I don’t like the others:-(
rubber ball
I never tried but would like to taste
Nicee thanks for the answer:))
Once tasted with a colleague, it turns my taste buds, vieel too sweet for my taste.
Thank you for your answer:)
Please, no problem 🙂
likes the blue
Gönrgy Energy Blueberry Coconut
No, I don’t like the stuff in general
Not my taste of this drink. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄