Hey macht jemand von euch Beats?

Habe einen Text geschrieben und bräuchte nur noch einen Beat kann diesen aber nicht selber machen wollte fragen ob ihr Programme kennt welche ganz einfach einen kostenlos machen könnten.

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1 year ago

Yeah, beats, I’m using Fl Studio. There are free programs, but they are rather bad. If I had to use such a program now, I would probably fail because every program is different. In addition, even if you have no experience, this will look very complicated for you. Whatever you need are good plugins and drum kits to get something good. But if you still want to try, I would recommend the demo version of Fl Studio (I also started). You can’t save beats at the demo. If this is too much effort, you can also get free beats from the Internet, for example SoundCloud or YouTube (is always free to use or free). These beats have used many or they’re rather bad. Otherwise, you can watch BeatStars. There are also beats, but what usually cost between 5 and 30 €.

1 year ago

I use FL Studio, in my opinion, one of the best programs.
I think you can complete a test subscription which is free for 10 days

There are many tutorials on YouTube.