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The findings show a harmonic lumbar spinal lumbar can. The spinal channel is primarily normal wide, and the Conus medullaris is orthotope (in normal position) without signs of myelopathy (damaging the spinal cord). There is a low signal increase around the facet joints in the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (LWK 4/5), which could indicate activation. In addition, there is a reduction in the intervertebral space and a disc extrusion (precursion). In LWK 4/5 on the right, there is a paramediane disc extrusion, which affects the nerve roots of L4 on the right intraforaminal (in the nerve exit hole) and L5 on the right in the lateral recess (side area). This leads to a slight constriction of the neuroforamen (nerve exit channel) due to spondylarthrose (arthrosis of the vertebral joints). The other disc heights are normal, there is no indication of detached disc parts (Sequester). There is no reference to a spondylolisthesis.