Hey, could you determine the vegetation zone of a location using a simple climate diagram?

Hey, can the vegetation zone of a particular location be determined using a simple climate diagram?
Thank you.

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2 months ago

Yes, the vegetation zone of a place can basically be opened using a simple climate diagram. A climate diagram shows typical climatic characteristics such as temperature and precipitation curves throughout the year that allow conclusions to be drawn about vegetation. Here are the steps:

1. Analysis of temperature curves

  • Tropical zones: High temperatures all year round, usually above 20 °C.
  • Reduced zones: Significant temperature differences between summer and winter.
  • Polar zones: Very low temperatures, often below 0 °C.

Two. View of the precipitation

  • Rainforest: High rainfall all year round, without drying times.
  • Savans: Changing rain and dry times.
  • Deserts: Very low precipitation, often under 250 mm/year.

3. Combination of temperature and precipitation

  • Vegetation zones such as tropical rainforest, savanna, steppe, desert or tundra can be associated with typical combinations.


  • A climate diagram with uniform temperatures above 25°C and year-round high rainfall → Tropical rainforest.
  • Highly fluctuating temperatures and rainfall concentrated on summer → quilt or savanna.
  • Little rainfall and high temperatures → desert.

With some exercise you can determine a vegetation zone quite reliably!