Hey, könnte eventuell jemand bei einer biologischen Frage zu Enzymen und Verdauungsstrakten weiterhelfen?
Die Frage lautet: Ordnen Sie die Enzyme aus der folgenden Abbildung den verschiedenen Abschnitten des menschlichen Verdauungstraktes zu und begründen Sie ihre Entscheidung.
Dies ist die dazugehörige Abbildung:
Vielen Dank.
First of all, the short arrangement of the enyzme in their respective place.
Pepsin = stomach
Amylase = small intestine
Trypsin = small intestine
(Place of production of enzymes, let me get out of here)
Pepsin splits proteins (proteins) from food. Also trypsin. Amylase splits carbohydrates (polysaccharides/multiple sugar).
The stomach acid is present. This consists of water and hydrochloric acid (about 0.5% concentration of hydrochloric acid) and is therefore represented with an acid pH value. You see on the scale of pH is pepsin in an acid range. So Pepsin belongs to the stomach. The optimum is here at a pH of approx. 2. Covers with the pH of the gastric juice.
Amylase occurs in the intestine. More precisely in the small intestine. The optimum is about 6.5 pH.
Trypsin also occurs in the intestine, even here more in the small intestine. The optimum is broader here and is about 8 to 9.5 pH. Because the pH in the intestine is not as low as in the stomach, your decision can also be justified. The intestine adjoins the stomach, which is why the location of amylase and trypsin can also be related thereto.
Hope that could help:)
So the amylase belongs to the small intestine, since the optimal ph value is about 7 and this is also shown in the graphics. Why does the trypsin then occur in the small intestine. There is the ph value higher than the optimism of the small intestine?
First of all, the critical thought and the questioning. Very important properties!
Let’s take a closer look. If we look at the course of digestion, rather the section important to us, follow the stomach of the small intestine. The pH value must first be equal. Therefore, at the beginning he is a bit more sourer than later. The anatomical structure of the small intestine is also important. In mammals it consists of three sections with different lengths. Following the stomach follows the duodenum (dwelling finger intestine), followed by the jejunum (lear intestine) and finally comes the ileum (crumb intestine) which opens into the caecum and thus also into the colon. In addition, the enzymes do not plunge into the food pulp, but it migrates through the digestive system and in the right places the enzymes use their task. The trypsin additionally follows the task of protein decomposition. This happens somewhat later than that of the carbohydrates by the amylase. In the course of the small intestine, the pH is increased from the initial 7 to 8-8.5 etc. This number is never exactly constant. The slightly basic pH again decreases to a value of about 6.5 (approximately). However, the trypsin therefore occurs in the small intestine before there is the main part of the digestion. And since the pH values in the entire small intestine (consisting of the 3 sections mentioned) are not constant, trypsin also occurs in the small intestine in addition to amylase.
Doesn’t the amylase appear in the mouth?
The following factors influence the enzyme activity always and partly very strongly:
The concentration of the substrate per se
Concentration of coenzymes
concentration of the product to be reacted
Whether secondary messengers are present
The pH value
The temperature
Whether other metabolic processes are present
Ah, would you possibly have several factors that influence the enzyme activity (only count)?
Okay, thank you.
Should be included:)
The graph to be considered indicates the enzyme activity in a relative unit on the y-axis. The x axis describes the pH of 1 (acid) to 14 (basic). There are 3 graphs in the picture. These are each 3 different enzymes. In order to assign the enzymes to their specific location in the digestive system, the enzymes are considered on the basis of their optimum and the respective pH values. Pepsin has an activity optimum as a function of the pH of approx. 2. This pH is present in the stomach. There the protein is split up in food by pepsin. The pH is obtained by the proportion of hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach. Amylase, on the other hand, has an activity optimum as a function of the pH of about 6 to 7. This means the point of action in the digestive system is the beginning small intestine. Here, the pH is increased from the initial 2 to now 6 to 7. Here, carbohydrates are split up by the amylase. Trypsin, on the other hand, has a displaced optimum in the range of approximately 8. The pH value thus increases slightly again. Thus, trypsin is to be located in the further rear part of the small intestine. There it is the task of splitting further protein chains.
So you could write it 🙂
Okay, would it be possible for pepsin, amylase and trypsin?
Yeah, I can do that.
Okay, thanks for your help, but could you summarize the above briefly what the reason for the decision is (possibly with reference to the graphics and the ph value)? That would be the last thing I need?