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the question is… so completely incomprehensible.
do you mean eleanor? they are not. is only the name that a presenter nem auto has given from the movie “gone in 60 secondes”. the vehicle is a 67er ford mustang fastback.
leases…. I don’t think it’s possible with such oldtimers. at least I don’t waste a car house which offers oldtimer. you can buy it, you can buy it on loan or you can borrow it for a short time.
No, he means Ellenator
These are cars that are rebuilt so that you can drive them with A1 license, i.e. from 16.
Since where, the rear axle is put together in such a way that it passes through as a 3rädriges KFZ.
the fiat 500 (…) dinger… I understand.
With 16 you can’t complete leasing contracts.
Ellenator… these are Fiat 500, where the rear wheels are placed closer to each other and the engine power is greatly reduced. Then you can drive this structure at 16.
Yeah, I mean the Ellenator you can drive at 16 who you have the A1 license…. Does anyone know where to lease it?
Yeah, it’s not so common the conceptuality. It’s quite costly:D
I don’t know how my answer came to this weird conclusion.
Nobody says a 16-year-old wants to finish this.
Can it be easy that the FS is a father/mother who wants to lease the thing because the purchase is too expensive.
ask the manufacturer, it seemed possible at least in the initial phase
Did you find anything? Need also help
Ellenor, you mean…
No, he’s pretty sure Ellenator.
Must look at what this is…