Hey habe morgen meine praktische Prüfung manche sagen Man kriegt den Führerschein an dem Tag wo man besteht andere erzählen die musste warten und ein Termin?

Kriegt man den Führerschein direkt nach bestandener Prüfung oder muss man den irgendwo abholen und ein Termin ausmachen

wenn man den nicht sofort bekommt darf ich trotzdem fahren und bei einer Kontrolle sagen hab den nicht dabei danke

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5 months ago

There are both variants.

Often it is a regional thing. In some regions, examination certificates are more common (with which one cannot drive) and in others there is a direct licence. The driving licence shall only be deemed to have been issued by handing out the driving licence (can also be a provisional driving licence). The confirmation of examination does not pay. If you were driving, it would actually be driving without a driving permit. So absolutely not recommended.

The trial period (if it is a driving permit with which the trial period begins to run) also begins to begin with the approval of the driving licence.

If you do not have the minimum age, there will always be a confirmation of examination. In the case of double classes after the first examination, if not previously explicitly requested (and paid) a card registration certificate.

I had both variants.

5 months ago

If you pass the practical exam, in most cases you do not get the driver’s license in your hand. The examiner gives you a preliminary confirmation that you passed. But you can’t drive now. You usually need to pick up the right driver’s license at the driver’s station or he’ll be sent to you. You’re not allowed to drive until you have the driver’s license physically in your hand, otherwise there’s anger in control.

5 months ago

So here are many different answers.

With me that was what I passed the license last week in Zebra (Austria). I got the preliminary one right after, and with this one I can drive as long as I have a photo ID.

You will get your official certificate when you have paid the money and the authority has made this

2 months ago

With me was that I had actually got the driver’s license straight, but by moving the changes something went wrong because of double class.

After having received the confirmation by e-mail, I am the authorising authority and have picked up my preliminary driver’s license. Now I’ll wait for the card and pick it up in exchange for the preliminary.

5 months ago

Well, as you’ve already learned, some people don’t get that straight and others. I don’t know what this is gonna be done. Probably if everything is already paid and you will be very likely to exist. But I’m not 100% sure.

No, you can’t drive without. But you can drive with a preliminary driving license as long as you don’t have the right one.

5 months ago

When I took my driver’s license, the document was handed out to me immediately after the exam was passed.

Nowadays this is usually different, you will have to get the driver’s license either sent or pick it up in the driver’s license. But so or so: Only when you are in possession of a valid driving permit (= if you hold the part in your hand) can you also run a vehicle.

5 months ago

If you have reached the minimum age, you will get the driver’s license immediately.